I’m still struck by the community of knitters who came out in force at the NYS Sheep and Wool festival this past weekend. It turned out to be like a reunion of like minded folks hooking up to share in the awesome surroundings of yarn, fiber and foliage on a beautiful unseasonably warm weekend.
Eric and I attended again this year with camera and mic in hand to try and capture the spirit of the event and something happened that was really different than last year. We were recognized everywhere we went. It was really quite surprising to us both. It was so cool to meet people who watch the show because until this weekend, the audience was just a few comments and emails and stats on a webpage. Now, we have met you all face to face and hear about how our show inspired you to go to Rhinebeck or try a new knitting technique. Thanks for stopping us to say “hi”, we really appreciated it!
Keep an eye out on LetsKnit2gether or subscribe for what looks to be a multipart episode from our trip!
During the weekend:
I was a square

I aquired all this stuff

and won this